Lisa van den Heuvel RA, RS-69881
Accredited Buyers Representative
Certified International Property Specialist
Certified Residential Specialist
Green Certified Real Estate Professional
Coldwell Banker Pacific Properties
4211 Waialae Ave, Suite 9000
Honolulu, Hawaii 96816
Phone: 808-381-4412
Fax: 808-748-8161




Energy Saving Tips

You can do a lot to use energy efficiently and minimize your electric bills. Here are 20 ways to do it. For help or more information, call us at 548-7311. Ask for a free copy of Energy Tips & Choices or click here to view it online.

Water Heating

1.Lower your water heater temperature setting to 120-130 degrees Fahrenheit. Here's how: Turn off the circuit to the heater. Remove cover panels, push aside the insulation with a screwdriver, and adjust the settings on the control dials.

2.Repair leaking hot water faucets.

3.Insulate older water heaters.

4.Reduce hot water usage up to 50% by installing low-flow heads on showers and faucets.

5.Turn off your water heater at the circuit breaker if you leave home for more than two days.

6.Dishwashers use 37% less hot water than hand-washing if you wash full loads and use the short cycle.

Click here for HECO's water heating rebate programs.


7.Replace worn-out door seals.

8.Don't cover open shelves with foil. This keeps cold air from circulating.

9.Unplug your second refrigerator or freezer if you can do without it.

10.Periodically clean the dust from condenser coils (usually found at the bottom of your refrigerator).


11.Use a microwave if you're cooking or heating a small amount of food.

12.Match the diameter of pots and pans to that of the heating element below. Use tight-fitting lids.

13.Plan meals so that you use your oven to cook a vegetable dish or dessert along with your main dish.


14.Use lower wattage bulbs wherever possible. Turn off lights you're not using. 

15.Compact fluorescent lights use 75% less energy and last 10 times longer. 

16.During the holidays, use "midget" lights for decorating.


17.Always use the cold water rinse cycle. Rinsing in warm water won't make clothes cleaner. 

18.Dry full loads, but don't overload. Dry loads in succession to use retained heat. 

19.Check and clean your dryer's lint filter often. Accumulated lint restricts air circulation and is a fire hazard.


20.Everyone in your family can pitch in to manage electrical use. Be sure to share these tips.

If you need help, call 548-7311 

Higher electric bills can mean bill payment problems for some households. If you have problems paying your bill, call us as soon as possible so we can work with you to make payment arrangements before your bill becomes past due. 

For more information on home energy saving tips, click on the link and view Energy Tips Choices.

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